Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Good health, Family Time fun and Almost Famous (!)

Thanks guys for your prayers and support we are on the road to recovery......ahhhh makes you thankful for good health!
Alan noticed that I'm typing and told me to say:
"I love you and miss you, Nana and Pop. "
For family time we pulled out a cool origami book I found here with paper already with the printed designs. We made 2 fighter jets.
Jay Jay just finished watching Aristocats and is dancing around singing "Everybody wants to be a cat." So should see him now Mum and Dad, he's so smart. I was on his group today, I'm really hardly with him during school hours because I have my other group, but he has a faithful teacher that obviously really pours into him. He knows so many verses and all the action songs! I was so impressed. Often when I'm humming a song he'll join in with the words. I bought him some school books from Abeka the last time we did an order and he loves them....anyway, my little genius.

I forgot to blog about the Drama I recorded for last week. I'm Dixi in the new read along Dino Tales CDs that will be coming out soon! Course Shane's already done a few voices for Ocean Treasures and Crew and Co. It's fun to be part of this project and as a mum I know they'll make those books so much funner for the kids. They should be out next year but that's really just a guess.


  1. Wow Jo...we'll get to hear your voice on the CD!!! Well done!
    Jay sounds soooooo adorable...& such a little smartie!
    Glad to hear you're all feeling better.

  2. So good to hear you're feeling better. We love you too Alan!! Can't wait to see JayJay again.
    Jo, the template looks terrible on my computer. The one before looked better. On mine it's just one long strip of print, and too black. Try something with more width.

  3. Okay, it's fixed....I didn't like it much anyway. I'm still trying to figure how to personalize the template though...bear with me. And I like the black because it enhances my pix, which is what I mainly post.

  4. I know, I know...I haven't finished yet Serena. But you really need to update more!
