Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Ok shoot me....but it's not my fault!

I'm back....again! More drama's with our internet provider and it was completely out of my control.
But the other day it was so nice to chat to Serena and Jessica on skype!! Pabs popped in and Anaik said hi. It was 5:30 am over in San Diego so she didn't stay long but it really made the world feel smaller. Too nice to catch up with my sisters though...we really missed out on the sister thing, didn't we? Jess moved away when we were young and then I moved away at 16.

Today was rest day and Shane and I got up the courage to go to a massive market. We didn't barely get across it but managed to pick up a couple bags of bargains. You can find everything imaginable there. Good local experience!
I so wanted to pull out the camera but apparently it's not a good idea in a place like that. I've gotta get more photo's onto here, huh? I'll be looking for photo ops.



  1. Ahhhh...good to have you back! Yes...more photos please...!

  2. Yes, that was fun. I'll make sure to check my chat if I have insomnia at 5 AM, so make sure you include me next time too. ;)

  3. Anonymous3:39 am

    you brought your camera to Owino??????????????????????????????????????????????? Eh! Stupid muzungu!!!!!!!!!

    Ha ha Miss u!
