Monday, May 22, 2006

Please pray for us!

It's confirmed that Shane, Alan and I have all got salmonella. Well, I'm on the road to recovery but still have the aches, dizziness and abdominal pain but I've had to be up and around to tend to Shane and Alan whom still have high fevers and vomiting. Needless to say, please pray that it'll pass quickly with no side months of the same symptoms (!) It can be spread by dishes etc so pray that it doesn't spread especially to little Jay-Jay who sips on our bottles and often sleeps between us. That would be very sad.
It was on pick ups that we ate out...the supermarket has a take away place that we eat at regularly, so we've narrowed it down to the chicken we ate there.


  1. Sorry about that! I didn't know it could be contagious. Sending extra prayers your way.

  2. That take-away food can get you anywhere & can be quite dangerous. I've frequently regreted eating stuff that has been sitting around all day. I hope it's not contagious. Praying for you. Wish I could tune in to the radion program from here. I can see a radio station listed on googleearth in Uganda but the link doesn't work. See if you can ask someone there if it is broadcast on the internet.

  3. Praying for you guys...get well soon!

  4. oh no! Sorry!!!!!...I knew it was that place!!!
    Love u!
