Sunday, January 22, 2006

On the air

Went to Radio today with Celly. I'm filling in for Tina for these next few weeks while she's visiting family.
"Kidz World" is on Saturdays from 12 - 1:00 and the subject was "Angels" we are currently using the Steps program for theme ideas and stories.
"Life and Loves" topic today was " The secret Place" We got a few responses during the show and we get greetings for friends in both shows which is nice, you know someone is listening!

Didn't screw up either today. We put on voices for the stories (need a little practice in that...ha!) and a few times mid sentence realize it's suppose to be "mother" talking not a gruff fathers voice. ha, ha!
When we've been tired we end up having to really hold back our tears of laughter (and once Tina and I had to revert to a song spot it got so bad -- it was a sad story too so we really had to muffle the chuckles)

It went well though and I'm getting better at it....I think. Got to work on being more natural. It comes with practice I've heard.


  1. Anonymous12:36 am

    hi jo, glad to hear you're having fun...your blogs make me reminisce!!...and nice to know my book is in good hands :) love to all.

  2. Hey fun....I'd like to hear that...

  3. Yes Jo, please record it sometime and play us a clip :)
