Thursday, January 26, 2006

Life goes on

The house is quiet these days. Half of our 20 members are away visiting relies. The usual activity nights and inspirations are off and things just aren't the same.
Studio work never really ends though and the kids are back to school.

The highlight of the months is that......Alan has started reading! This is such a milestone for him. I've tried differant programs and methods over the years but put it aside till he was "ready" or something to turn his key and now with the help of a dear lady we live with he's started the ole' "Peter and Jane" series and he's already on the second book! Oh, am I proud of him!

Went for a pedicure yesterday! It was soooooo nice and it only costed about 2 or 3 dollars (6000 shillings) The perks of living on the field!
It was a decent price to get my hair streaked too, so I went for it but it hadn't crossed my mind that many salons (especially the cheaper ones) wouldn't have experience with foreigners hair. They insisted they could do it but to make a long story short...... I am now a strawberry blond. It was abit frightening at first sight but I'm used to it now. I'm still contemplating how to fix it. Maybe put some darker streaks in to naturalize the look? At least it's short so I can fiddle around abit without thought of ruining my hair.

Enough about me. How are you? Write a line sometime!


  1. Hey that's WONDERFUL news about Alan reading!
    Post a pic of your new hair color...I'd love to see what it looks like....

  2. Yes, let's see a pic!

    I just went for a first pedicure during our vacation after Christmas, with my sis-in-law Anna. I felt officially pampered, which is just what I need when I'm starting to feel the little aches of being six months pregnant. :)
