Monday, January 30, 2006

Puddles and undies!

Jay-Jay is almost completely potty trained at 21 months old! Yay! (We're not used to it being this simple and fast!)
As of last week we got on the ball with sitting him down on the pot regularly then risked the "undies and puddles" faze and now we're well on the road to no more nappies!!  Posted by Picasa


  1. cute! I love his big blue eyes!

  2. Oh that's cool! I'm blocking off time in a week or so to do the "puddles and undies" thing too... just crossing my fingers that I can cross that hurdle before the next one, so I don't have to change two sets of diapers.

    He is looking quite the cutie!

    Love you!

  3. The next one??? Is there something I don't know yet?
