Sunday, April 09, 2006

Small world!

This is a new member of our 12 foundation Stones classes. He popped over for a cuppa and casually mention meeting some Brasilian missionaries in Burundi....then went on to say Amber and another girl's (the Brasilian one) name!! Too cool! He's such a hungry soul. Recognize him, Amber? He seemed to know you quite well (?)

Speaking of Amber, I just got a note that she has arrived in Ethiopia! And she's living with the about experiences! I'd pop up there but it's just $400 USD rtn!! And there are no (paved) roads or bus's bordering a small part of Uganda but sadly the borders up there are trouble spots.
So close but soooo far!

1 comment:

  1. Miss you Jo, nice to see you every so often here. ur internet ok now?
