Sunday, April 09, 2006

Camillians and buttons

I splashed out and got the boys some African shirts! Aren't they gorgeous?!

Tummy bug is going around and I'm the last to get it....Alan is also laid up again with what looks like tonsilitus. Too bad. He's chirpy though and staying in bed doing activities. A few nights ago he was up every hour barfing and he so sweetly kept asking me to pray for him and don't forget to "call on the Keys". Poor baby!

Notice Jay got a mushroom haircut?... I call him my button mushroom.

1 comment:

  1. Oh cutie pies! Little Justin's hair is getting waaay too out of control, I'm just scared to take him near a barber because I still want him to have a blond surfer look for summer... but I've got to do something to tame it a tad.

    PFY with the bugs going around. xox
