Monday, February 13, 2006

Saturday Radio

Went to Radio with Celly again. We're using the Steps Program for themes right now for Kidz World (makes it sooo easy) It has plenty of stories and prayers and poems and we interject with our 2 cents and plenty of songs too while we try to get our lunch in.... Shhh we're not suppose to be eating in the studio, but a 2 hour stint over lunch, c'mon! The songs have a count down so as it's ending we're often struggling to get that last bite chewed and swallowed before we have to speak again. ha ha!

The adult show Life and Love was, of course centered around Valentines and I have to say TY to Nyx Martinez for the hours she spent scripting shows (for a program in the PI)....we came across the scripts and they have saved us hours of coming up with our own stuff each week. It's all there, all the research done! What songs to play, when to play them, stories, anecdotes etc etc. While I'm at it I want to say that we miss you Nyx! You've left a hole!
Back to what I was saying, I think I'm relaxing more on Radio but I still feel quite blank at times. TG for the wealth of material we have to refer too. The tough part is sounding like we're actually saying this profound stuff.... No, people know we're reading to them most of the time...ha ha

Quite an experience, to say the least, never get to do this anywhere else!

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