Tuesday, February 14, 2006

JayJay started school

We just got our shipment of new school books for the year from Abeka!
Alan got his grade 1 books that he's just about ready to start (will post pix of him later)
and I got JJ the 2 year old books. One is numbers and another an activity book. They are so well done and he's loving it! Hightly recommended! It's all preparation for school!

To get him to smile for this picture I told him it's for Nana and Pop. So this smile is for YOU!


  1. Jay Jay, Nanna & I miss you soooooo much. beautiful smile!!!:-)))))
    PS. You too Alan!

  2. Ohhhhh so cute & poochie...I love his smile. Hey...where did you order the books from...I'm thinking of getting something for Kylie. Did I tell you that she reads better than Chad....I do the same flashcards with both of them....

  3. Awwwwww, so precious!! Yes, I'm already saving up for Justin's Beka :)
