Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Yay, internet is back up!

And I had so much to say when it was off.
First of all I've been fighting a nasty flu for days now and only just recovering.
The play ended. The last night I went to help backstage with make up and then got to slip in to watch the show was a good one and every foreigner in Kampala must have been out to see! So it seemed...Obviously there's not alot of entertainment around but it was definetly a good night out. The following night was the cast party. We ate, drank and the final 20 people left standing karaoked!...Good fun!
On the home front, the kids are doing well. I've been re-reading some very good articles from the new Kidland book (yay, we got them!) on dyslexia as it was mentioned by others, who know, that he was displaying typical signs. It really explained so many questions I had had about his learning style and the fact that he hardly said an understandable word till he was 3 years old! I'm relieved that he's not just "slow" but he actually ust needs a different approach. I'm also thankful that he's not got problems in every area. He's totally grasped his Arithmetic. Counts by 5's 10's, and the usual addition, subtraction and simple division. Naturally it's the "special sounds" in Abekas' Language that doesn't interest him. (It doesn't make much sense to me either) Anyway, it seems the phonics way is his key as he's making steady progress now. You just have to really move him along...he's a bit of a "head in the clouds" sorta guy. His solution is "I'm just so tired at school. How about I have a nap during school and do school at quiet-time?" ( He can't sleep at quiet-time and usually is a nuisance) ha....
Jay-Jay is really settling well into his little group. It's been awhile now but he's finally looks forward to "chool time" as we're getting dressed in the morning.
Our room is now finally looking nice too. Shane has been busy putting up little shelves and stuff on rest day. Since it's our school room, family room, office and bedroom it's nice to make it stylish and pleasant.
Oh...I went to radio on Saturday with Celly and the computer crashed (we didn't do it ;-) it was already having issues) the real problem was we had to talk for nearly 2 hours straight! Usually we have plently of songs and play a drama or two so we can get our lunch in as it's over lunch hour. Anyway, Celly had to pop out to sort out the problems and I was left ot croak away some stories and anecdotes...haha....glad when it was over.
Okay, I'm missing home activity and I hear sounds fun. Bye



    That's great that you've figured out that Alan's must have been so annoying not knowing what to do.

  2. Such fun to read your blogs and relive good times...ha ha

  3. P.S. Jo can you link your blog to your profile so I can find it easier? Thanks.
