Sunday, June 18, 2006

On the road again

The first of 3 roadtrips up country has taken off! We are hosting two great girls from India for 6 weeks so are taking them around and taking advantage of the extra personnel to get on the road.

Shane is the technical support for the projector, generator and DVD player for showing the "Jesus" film as many times as possible. Thanks Dad for sending that and "Moses" over-- we're getting alot of good use out of them! We're showing "Moses" at the house tonight for a crowd of 12FS members too!

Shane is also filming each trip to put together a comprehensive documetary style presentation to send out to you. But it means we don't have a daddy for 3 weeks! Sniff....he'll have week breaks at home in between each trip but the first home week he'll be off to South Africa for a family reunion...

I chatted to him on the phone last night and he was getting ready to show the "Jesus" movie. They had been on the Radio that morning for a kids show and to also advertise the film showing as well as tell the NU BEAT listeners they were in town hosting Bible classes. Soroti airs our syndicated shows every week!

At home we need your prayers, a nasty flu has taken ahold. Alan has just recovered and Jay is now down....again...I know they're really back and forth right now. Please pray for our health.

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