Wednesday, May 03, 2006

World Orphans Day CTP Part 1

On Monday we had the opportunity to manage and perform for a group of AIDS widows and orphans. It really was a team effort. Someone donated the funds to buy a sack of rice, meat and vegetables and another friend bought the soda's and cookies. A long time friend and college prepared the food hosted the event at a venue she owns.
We showed up and performed actions songs and puppet show to a lively and enthusiastic audience of 130 women and children effected by AIDS, either widowed or orphaned! The electricity went during the puppet show but we manage to carry on despite that. It was the "loaf of bread".....couldn't forget that one even if I tried...The funniest thing was performing side by side with Alan to songs I've been performing my whole life....even some actions I forgot and had to look over at him!hahah It really feels good to get out there and help in these ways sometimes....opportunities are endless here. More pictures coming soon!

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