Friday, May 05, 2006

What on earth am I here for?

What am I doing evangelizing in a country where 66% of the population is Christians…..some may question? And I’ve asked myself this too?

All around are declarations of Love for God in shop signs, car bumpers. (actually I wanted to make a pet project of photographing the back of trucks, boda’s, cars…bicycles which declare. “God is great!” and the like.) Throughout the newspapers are regular columns of testimonials of healing, salvation and miracles. I’ve read articles of “How to have a fruitful marriage” with counsel straight from the Bible.

What can little ol’ me do to help anyone’s life? I hardly feel my love and dedication to Jesus is anything outstanding.

Well, the difference is the Bible knowledge and the truths that have been poured into us from the time we were wee todds. Locally, they might know the basics of the Salvation, fruits of the Spirit and gifts of the Spirit but what they’ve been taught in their own churches doesn’t go far beyond that. The wealth of wisdom we’ve had taught to us and have available not to mention.... a connection to get stuff straight from Heaven is what makes us outstanding….The Lord has the answers to ALL life’s problems. Too often one is faced with what seems insurmountable. That’s life! But with faith in Jesus and hope in Him….a strength beyond us, we can endure, overcome and be better for it! TG!

I’m no Bible scholar, I feel like I just know as much as the next guy but when I’m out there hosting Bible studies it is a witness to ME to see these people gobble it up….it’s like fresh “Words of Life” ..which they are. I’ve grown familiar with the Word, Jesus love and even as I write this, many things I base my life around are by faith….though I have tangible fruits of grace and peace. I’ve “followed afar off” enough to know that these things are priceless!

Africans have Bibles for a hundred years but when it comes down to it we’re the experts at applying the Word and literally “living in it”. (I’m not doubting that they’re many wonderful Christians out there that love Jesus and are living the Word besides us…I’ve met some!)

And it’s so true that where there’s darkness, the greater the light is! Lives are tough here in Africa….people really cling to Jesus, because sometimes it’s literally all they’ve got! In the west we grow so complacent with and hardly know what “real” problems are… Oh my God…I can’t afford my TV subscription….hahah…no, I know in the West we struggle with a different set of problems. But I’ve meditated on my life before coming here many things, clutter and stuff, (including attitudes)I really could live without.

Nevertheless, missionary life is never easy, I’m not making any promises of “living and dying” as one…..but I hope that no matter where I end up I will always be an example of Jesus’ love and to pass on something of value to my sons.
If I can enhance someones life from what I know of Jesus’ love from His Word, it’s worth my time!


  1. Right on! Alan's old enough to remember this trip...& I'm sure it'll always leave an impression.

  2. I'm proud of you & your family there Jo.

  3. you're doing wonderful Jo! Miss you and am proud of you for giving your all there!!!!!
