Saturday, May 20, 2006

My week...only if your interested (?)

On Wednesday Alan and I got to go with Daddy for the weekly pick ups...the kids take turns but Alan hadn't yet had one so was quite distressed when the day before he was laid up with yet another bout of tonsilitis. Come Wednesday morning though he was up early and "feeling great, Mommy!" So off we went to the bakery, butchery, fish packers, dairy factory etc....and lunch out...the high light, I'm sure.
The cows you see in the picture are something else! All of them here have these amazing horns! You can buy local jewelery and hair clips made from such. I've seen much longer horns too but never had a camera handy....course after the pictures the herder approches us for "some small money"...ha, nice try!

I was sick yesterday, for the first time since being in Africa....nothing serious and I'm feeling better today. It was Family Day so still recovering Shane took the boys for united devotions and inspiration then swimming and painting. The afternon was united outdoor games! (Once a month we have united Family Fun Days where everyone one participates and contributes...they're quite fun!)

Tomorrow I'm filling in for Celly on the Radio with Tina! Yay!

1 comment:

  1. I'll bring some back when I come (don't know when that is yet?)
