Thursday, May 11, 2006

Just stuff

I've been waiting to get some pix to post.....Saturday nite 3 of us girls had a night out for a wedding reception then slinked off to a pub for a drink. That's Machi (Tina's taking the pic...and there's one of us with the bride too)
Sunday we had our monthly fellowship for our AMs and Alan and the kids performed.....good music and a good time!
Today I was in town with Brian on O.R and hosted the 12 foundation Bible study. The theme was "Problems and Solutions", I get so fed from giving these classes and brushing up on everything.

The kids are doing really well. Last night JJ was moaning and whinging about going to bed, nothing could get him to stop so aloud I just said "Jesus, please help Jay to "be so happy"....He looks up, grins and says "I happy now."


  1. Jay's so cute! And you look good too! Miss you guys!

  2. yeah! Miss u too, Jo!
