Saturday, April 22, 2006

New baby girl!

I'm a Aunt!.......for the 20th time! 18 nieces and nephews to my very own champion brothers and sisters!

Congratulations to you
Anaik....and Mike! It's always such a joy to hear of new babies being born and just remembering the immense gratification and pure pleasure of inviting someone into your life! (I was gonna say the "world"...but recently I've been particulary frustrated with it. Don't ask.)

Need any name ideas? Here are some of my favorites....maybe you can use? And I may not get around to having that girl I always wanted....sniff
*Savannah (There's a little girl here with that name, and I think it's sooo cute.)

Or you could just call her Joanna!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the congrats sis. She's pure bliss.

    We are laboring over the name... thanks for the ideas, those are pretty.

    We're gonna have a breakthrough soon, I know it! ;-)

    ILY xox
