Sunday, March 12, 2006

Hummm, Shane's been messing with templates again.

I don't like the font in this one.
Our internet has been down for quite a few days now so I'll have to catch you up.
Both Alan's eyes are black and blue a week later but thankfully he hasn't had any pain or headaches. Thanks for your prayers Oma!

Oh....another little miracle in the kid department! Last week we lost JJ's bottle which he using as a dummy. Slowy we dilluted the milk till he was just drinking plain water but he'd still send us for frequent refills all night long. Anyway, we lost his bottle (! Well he lost it! He tends to chuck it over his shoulder when he's done with it) and had to do with out that night and he wasn't too bad. I found it the next day but decided not to show it to him and we haven't looked back! Now without the water all night he's been completely dry and no longer wears a nappy!!
Any Mother..... and most fathers can rejoice with me!

And we got another new puppy! This time we got offered a full breed Jack Russel so we said goodbye to our little mut that was having health problems. Above is a picture of Neo. He's quite the character!

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhh congrats on the lost bottle...that's wonderful that he's diaperless now!!
    Oh I'm soooooooo into jack russels...if I'd ever get a dog it would be that. He's adorable. What did you do with the old one?
