Thursday, February 09, 2006

Am I the last one to know?

I have just found out that my gorgeous sister, Anaik is having another baby!
Why didn't anybody tell me? Suppose everyone thot everyone else knew already? About time to update your blog don't ya think, Anaik?!
I love you! And congratulations to the both of you!!
(Anaik, I was searching around for a picture of you from your last visit to post but decided against it, I only had the ones of us looking liked we (mainly me) are whales just washed up on the beach, you can thank me later. haha)

1 comment:

  1. Ha, I'm busted! I thought I told everybody! Or maybe I thought that Dad and Mum would tell everybody, ha! I will try to update our blog soon, and yes, am six months pg, due April 25th, and no, we don't know what we're having.

    And yes! Thanks for not posting photos of when I was 7 mos pregnant in Aussie last, ha.

    Will send pix soon! xox
