Thursday, February 16, 2006

About Me

10 entirely random things about me

1. I love to sing but usually am too self conscious to do it in front of others

2. Giving birth was the best and worst experience of my life at the same time.

3. My husband was my first love

4. I’ve lived in 6 countries since 16. Japan, Russia, US, South Africa, Australia, Uganda. (India as a child)

5. I loathe work out videos….but I want the body.

6. I think long hair (on girls) is so sexy ….but can’t manage to keep my hands off the scissors

7. I suffer from Post natal depression for up to 2 years after my babies
8. I love a good coffee

9. Shandys are my current fav drink….not too hard on you the next day.

10. My passion is Interior Decorating and DIY. Someday I’d like to study and do it.

9 ways to win my heart

1. Love me as I am

2. Cuddle me often

3. Make me laugh

4. Don’t be afraid of what others think of you

5. Be considerate and thotful

6. Believe in what you do

7. Work hard….and play hard

8. Love my parents

9. Be sentimental…. Sometimes, like anniversaries

8 things that annoy me
1. Impatient people

2. Gossip

3. untidy living spaces

4. unruly children…usually my own

5. overconfident drivers

6. waiting in line for the washing machine use

7. Critical attitudes

8. Exhibitionists

7 things I carry/wear every day
1. my water bottle……living in
Africa gets hot

2. My sunnys

3. my young son

4. my new watch (thanks to Anaik!)

5. pens....can never get enough….and can’t seem to find them when you need them

6. I wear a butterfly tatt on my right ankle…can’t take that off

7. my faith in God’s plan...I'm trying to carry that with me everywhere!

6 places I've visited

2. Graceland

3. Nairobi

4. Manila

5. Pusan (Sth Korea)

6. Pensacola

5 things I want to do before I die

1. Learn to drive and get my own car

2. Have a family reunion

3. Have another baby

4. Travel around Europe!.....and introduce my kids to their Oma

5. Go to the Equator…it’s not far, I’ve heard!

4 things I’m afraid of

1. Wild dogs

2. Failure

3. Becoming a hag….ha..ha

4. The Tribulation….my kids are still young

3 things I do everyday

1. kiss my boys (…all three)

2. laundry (argh!)

3. browse every ones blogs

2 things I'm trying to do right now

1. Be positive and praise God

2. Be faithful with my kids training and school

1 person I want to see right now

That’s impossible to say!! I want to see right now all of my 5 sisters: April, Anaik, Jessica, Serena and Amber. I would love to get together over some drinks and snacks and just catch up on all our lost time.

My brothers: Marc (whom I haven’t set eyes on for 10 years!!), Justin, Chris and Nat. Sometimes I feel like I don’t know you all and it makes me sad. But I love you to death!

My best friends: Ruthie and Renee over in Sydney who have been there for me these last 2 years! I love you all so much!


  1. Oh this was fun to should do that "8 things about my perfect partner one".
    Heheheh....I know what you mean by waiting in line for the washing machine...

  2. Hey what's haven't posted in ages!!! How bout some birthday pics...
