Sunday, December 04, 2005

Care for a grasshopper??

Bought these babies off the side of the road. Locals eat them like popcorn so we thot we'd try them. Tastes not really.
They're actually tasty. They're fried with butter and salt. Alan was repulsed when we suggested we try some but as soon as he had a sniff he was sold. Jay didn't think twice and immediatly filled his mouth. Shane was a little less adventurous and barely had a nibble. Boooooh. It brought a smile to our maids face she couldn't understand out hesitation. Posted by Picasa


  1. Hehehehe...reminds me of the things they eat in Thailand!

  2. grossssss!!! Talk about adventurous Jo.... oh btw this is Cannelle... you know, the french weirdoe who used to live at the Oaks ;)... I finally landed in Brasil!! been here for almost a year now... anyways, nice to hear from you!! mwah!!
