Thursday, July 01, 2010

My boys are stars!

I hate how schools are trying to fit everyone into a box! i have bright, beautiful sons! Alan is a genius. He has a grasp of the universe,science and inventions that is beyond me yet his teacher can only drone on about how behind he is in his spelling (....have you seen my husbands??)
Jay is an organized, conscientious boy yet he struggles with large social scenes and avoids school plays etc. And why is this held against him?
As a parent we walk a fine line with pressing for achievement yet loving our children either way and encouraging our children either way! I don't want to have a dim outlook on their future but it's very important to me to let nature take it's course in their lives with minimal pressure.
Jeez, some days I want to go back to homeschooling. I don't want to see my kids sad and dejected at 3 o'clock at the end of the school day. I don't believe that the school years are just to be survived. Learning is a way of life and discovery one of life's greatest pleasures. I don't want to see their fires burning out over spelling words and disinterest in Aboriginal art. This cannot go on!


  1. sorry to hear that!
    I dont know how it is first hand..but it does cross my mind often when I imagine Dakota in school, what will be expected & if paying larger school fees so he can go to private school will somehow help in the long run.
    Hope its worth it.


  2. that is sad :( I have had these fears for when Leona starts regular school, she was fortunate to have some very understanding and sweet teachers for her pre-school but I don't want to take it for granted and just think they are all as understanding and accommodating...I think also this whole thing of schools trying to get high ratings for their level of performance and how smart their kids are is making them forget what their job is in the first place

  3. I think as parents we might take things too personally from their teachers. I'm trying to take everything with a grain of salt so that I don;t get under pressure and therefore put them under pressure unnecessarily. As far as private school goes. I felt i maybe had made a mistake and when it comes to your child's life of course you only want the best, but it really comes down to the teachers personality and how short their fuse is...Ruth is studying education and has her kids in a nice catholic school but says if she knew what she knows now about curriculum standards and stuff she wouldn't have bothered with the private school. It eased my mind.
